Thursday, June 5, 2014

Dorthy Day

   Dorothy Day was a lady who loved to help people who needed it the most. Dorothy was a very smart american activist to fought for what was right. "The Gospel takes away our right forever, to discriminate, between the deserving and undeserving poor." - Dorothy Day. This quote talks about how much she fought for the poor people. Dorothy knew that the mental poor people had problems and they needed help. No matter how much they stole form her she always found forgiveness in her heart. Dorothy believed she made mistakes in her life such as the abortion she had. She always wanted to work hard for something " Don't call me a saint. I don't want to be dismissed so easily." She always believed she was a good person helping the less fortunate. Helping them made her feel alive and she felt the holy spirit in her. After Dorothy Day saw a nun feeding the poor, it hit her that people need help and she followed Gods calling. " Food for the body is not enough. There must be food for the soul." Dorthy faced many challenges. Such as her team wanting to stop helping the poor and complained about never having enough money. Sometimes they would get frustrated with the mental people stealing their money. Peter Maurin was one of Dorothy's great friends. He believed in helping the homeless also. "If we are crazy, then it is because we refuse to be crazy in the same way that the world has gone crazy." this quote describes how we are crazy just like the insane people who need help as well. Some people just have it more effective than others.
    Peter believed in people being themselves. " The world would become better off if people tried to become better. And people would become better if they tried to stop becoming better off." This talks about how many people try to show off and the world would become a better place if people would stop showing off what they have to people who have nothing. "Everyone would be rich, if nobody tried to be richer." this quote also talks about showing off expensive things people would have. The would would be and equal place if there were no rich people trying to become richer.
     The catholic worker movement is something Dorothy Day had accomplisheed before she passed. Thsi is a group of people who work to help the people who are less fortunate. These are houses where homeless people can go. They won't be judged if they have a mental problem or disability. This is also a prayerful place. In rochester there is the Bethany house, and other such as House of Hospitality in guard. Peter was also helping make this organization with Dorothy.    

Thursday, May 8, 2014

"Just War Theory"

  The Just War doctrine today states that the strict conditions for legitimate defense by military force require rigorous consideration.  The Just war is so people today can make peace. Peace is the goal, but when it can not be achieved without force, force must be used. The church teaches we should love one another and not make war. The war over peace dates back to Jesus' age. The Catechism indicates the gravity of the decision to go to war. The first condition states there must be an aggressor who is harming the community of nations. In the Catechism the second condition establishes war as a last resort. This should not be the case one should try to make amends by trying one-to-one diplomacy and other alternatives.
   The prospects of success are the third condition. The war must have " serious prospects of success". This condition is never going to give someone a guarantee of success. The final condition is dealing with the foreseen consequences of the war. The damage a war causes is more than the victory they feel after they have won.  War can cause horrible damages to neighborhoods, creating economic burdens, and other harmful tragic effects.

Friday, March 21, 2014

"Honesty is the Best Policy!"

In everyone's life, you will encounter that someone has lied to you. Whether it's  a small lie or big lie. But most importantly who is telling this lie. It could be your best friend an enemy or your parents or family member. "I'm sorry if you don't like my honesty, but to be fair i don't like your lies"- Unknown Author. This quote describes how someone is telling the truth to someone who lies a lot. Telling your best friend a big lie is embarrassing and unfair. "God is constantly at work encouraging us to be people worthy of trust." The most important place to be honest would be inside a courtroom. When you are honest and people see it they give you a little more freedom just a tiny bit. "You cannot be dishonest and hope to be trusted." When you lie to a best friend there goes the trust your friend will probably ever have for you.      

Monday, February 24, 2014

About the Fourth Commandment

The commandment teaches about family, is that it brings us closer together and we learn different values within each other. Family also teaches us the importance of authority and freedom also security. Society shows relationships withing one another. Society is a privileged community. Relationships are important in the fourth commandment teaches us to find the morals in one another. God made a family to show rights and responsibilities for the common good. Duties of children is to take care of the sick and the weak and learn as they get older. This teaches them to live in a well being society. Brings people to their needs. The duties of the parents are to be a role model for children to follow the good in their foot steps as they become older in life. Also to keep up with the morals and religious views on their families. Authorities in civil society help maintain order. This also helps strengthen marriages and relationships. Politics have a duty to honor the families and assist them. My religion teach has the spirit to teach us about God and all the good he does and to teach us about moral an immoral decisions. 

Thursday, February 13, 2014

The type of Mom i want to be

 When i become a mother there are many specific characteristics i would love to be known for. Not only by my child but their friends and other people around me. The first is Honesty. I want my child to be as honest as they could possibly be. I understand kids make mistakes but if my child knows wrong from right and they know they should be telling the truth i will enforce that in them by teaching them at an early age. Loving is what i can teach my child by not hurting people and not showing them the violence in the world by playing with guns. Caring is what i would like to be known for when my child is playing with a toy and i will teach my child how to share with one another by showing them how to and what to do in those situations. I want to be known for being a strict mother because if my child has no rules to follow they will just do whatever they feel when they please and that is how disrespect comes in a child. I always want to be not just a strict mother but i would like to be a fun mom too. I believe a child grows up well with a strict mother sometimes but also needs a little bit of fun in their life so they don't hate you.

Monday, February 3, 2014

The Catholic Importance of Sunday

The Sabbath is a day we should all keep important. It is the Lords day and we should all rest. This day is also for us to reflect on ourselves and praise Jesus on this day. We should all remember we are all servants of the lord. The resurrection recalls the first creation. Jesus rose from the dead on the first week of Sabbath. On the eighth day shows new creation after the Sabbath. The Eucharist is the heart of the church. We celebrate the Eucharist on the day of the Sabbath in which the Paschal Mystery is celebrated. The practice of this dates back to the apostolic age. Grace & Rest both come into the third commandment because we all are servants of Jesus and need a day of rest. Sunday is usually the day to give to the poor and do good deeds throughout the community. Christians should all seek recognition on Sundays.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Second Commandment

Now days being a teenager, you don't normally think twice about the second commandment. Some ways we can start becoming faithful are: respecting God's name and not using it to swear. This is important because god made you to love and respect him kinda like your parents. Promises are another thing, they are used to show our truthfulness to God and authority to him. Blasphemy should very much be avoided, because it opposes the second commandment. We should not believe Jesus is not there in spirit with us or believe we are better than him. Oaths are okay as long as they are not false. They can become a bad sin if someone lies on oath. Taking an oath is like calling God as a witness. This is the time to pledge our truthfulness.