Monday, February 24, 2014

About the Fourth Commandment

The commandment teaches about family, is that it brings us closer together and we learn different values within each other. Family also teaches us the importance of authority and freedom also security. Society shows relationships withing one another. Society is a privileged community. Relationships are important in the fourth commandment teaches us to find the morals in one another. God made a family to show rights and responsibilities for the common good. Duties of children is to take care of the sick and the weak and learn as they get older. This teaches them to live in a well being society. Brings people to their needs. The duties of the parents are to be a role model for children to follow the good in their foot steps as they become older in life. Also to keep up with the morals and religious views on their families. Authorities in civil society help maintain order. This also helps strengthen marriages and relationships. Politics have a duty to honor the families and assist them. My religion teach has the spirit to teach us about God and all the good he does and to teach us about moral an immoral decisions. 

Thursday, February 13, 2014

The type of Mom i want to be

 When i become a mother there are many specific characteristics i would love to be known for. Not only by my child but their friends and other people around me. The first is Honesty. I want my child to be as honest as they could possibly be. I understand kids make mistakes but if my child knows wrong from right and they know they should be telling the truth i will enforce that in them by teaching them at an early age. Loving is what i can teach my child by not hurting people and not showing them the violence in the world by playing with guns. Caring is what i would like to be known for when my child is playing with a toy and i will teach my child how to share with one another by showing them how to and what to do in those situations. I want to be known for being a strict mother because if my child has no rules to follow they will just do whatever they feel when they please and that is how disrespect comes in a child. I always want to be not just a strict mother but i would like to be a fun mom too. I believe a child grows up well with a strict mother sometimes but also needs a little bit of fun in their life so they don't hate you.

Monday, February 3, 2014

The Catholic Importance of Sunday

The Sabbath is a day we should all keep important. It is the Lords day and we should all rest. This day is also for us to reflect on ourselves and praise Jesus on this day. We should all remember we are all servants of the lord. The resurrection recalls the first creation. Jesus rose from the dead on the first week of Sabbath. On the eighth day shows new creation after the Sabbath. The Eucharist is the heart of the church. We celebrate the Eucharist on the day of the Sabbath in which the Paschal Mystery is celebrated. The practice of this dates back to the apostolic age. Grace & Rest both come into the third commandment because we all are servants of Jesus and need a day of rest. Sunday is usually the day to give to the poor and do good deeds throughout the community. Christians should all seek recognition on Sundays.