Thursday, June 5, 2014

Dorthy Day

   Dorothy Day was a lady who loved to help people who needed it the most. Dorothy was a very smart american activist to fought for what was right. "The Gospel takes away our right forever, to discriminate, between the deserving and undeserving poor." - Dorothy Day. This quote talks about how much she fought for the poor people. Dorothy knew that the mental poor people had problems and they needed help. No matter how much they stole form her she always found forgiveness in her heart. Dorothy believed she made mistakes in her life such as the abortion she had. She always wanted to work hard for something " Don't call me a saint. I don't want to be dismissed so easily." She always believed she was a good person helping the less fortunate. Helping them made her feel alive and she felt the holy spirit in her. After Dorothy Day saw a nun feeding the poor, it hit her that people need help and she followed Gods calling. " Food for the body is not enough. There must be food for the soul." Dorthy faced many challenges. Such as her team wanting to stop helping the poor and complained about never having enough money. Sometimes they would get frustrated with the mental people stealing their money. Peter Maurin was one of Dorothy's great friends. He believed in helping the homeless also. "If we are crazy, then it is because we refuse to be crazy in the same way that the world has gone crazy." this quote describes how we are crazy just like the insane people who need help as well. Some people just have it more effective than others.
    Peter believed in people being themselves. " The world would become better off if people tried to become better. And people would become better if they tried to stop becoming better off." This talks about how many people try to show off and the world would become a better place if people would stop showing off what they have to people who have nothing. "Everyone would be rich, if nobody tried to be richer." this quote also talks about showing off expensive things people would have. The would would be and equal place if there were no rich people trying to become richer.
     The catholic worker movement is something Dorothy Day had accomplisheed before she passed. Thsi is a group of people who work to help the people who are less fortunate. These are houses where homeless people can go. They won't be judged if they have a mental problem or disability. This is also a prayerful place. In rochester there is the Bethany house, and other such as House of Hospitality in guard. Peter was also helping make this organization with Dorothy.